


来源:新航道 原创作者:无锡新航道 浏览:0 发布日期:2019-02-15 17:15


雅思小作文Task 1

The chart shows the changes in the percentage of households with cars in a European country between 1971 and 2001.


Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.




The bar chart is an illustration of the car ownership of households in a European country in four separate years.




First1971 and 1991 are the two years that are most noteworthy. The highest percentage of having no cars was in the year of 1971, and that of having one car was in the year of 1991; the two figures were coincidentally the same (approx. 47 percent). Second, in the four years, households with two or more cars were the fewest, and the figure could be as low as 15 percent. Third, in the years of 1981 and 2001, the three types of car ownership were roughly even, each accounting for 30 percent or modestly more.




Overall, the pattern of car ownership varied vastly from year to year, except between the year of 1981 and the year of 2001. Also, the years of 1971 and 1991 saw the extremely large or small proportion of at least one car ownership.


Task 2


When new towns are planned, it is important to build more public parks or sports facilities than shopping centers for people to spend their free time.


To what extent do you agree or disagree? 




[摆脱八股的开头段落行文结构]→Many of us have long been convinced of a misconception ←[暗示了“不同意”] that public parks or sports facilities should be more than shopping centers. [在句话暗示的基础上,第二句话直白说明立场]→As a matter of fact, shopping malls are more needed.




First, people have various recreational needs that cannot be met by parks and sport facilities alone. [写作法: 接下来引入例子, 把上一句笼统的信息具体化]→For example, movies are not shown in parks, and sports centers do not serve coffee. When the councils are fully aware of the diversity of people’s demands ←指代前面的various recreational needs,形成文脉的顺延], they would know that people may not need that many venues for walking their dogs, wandering and exercising. [紧接着做比对→ Meanwhile, shopping may be a greater need. [接下来细化说明→ a greater need] In other words, there may be more people who prefer spending their time in a shopping center than people who need parks and playgrounds.


Architects have meanwhile ←表示逻辑联结的副词,没有放在“最规矩”的句首位置 come up with a brilliant idea that they could build a versatile place where all people, despite their various recreational needs, can be happy ←不要不敢用“小词”,小词往往更灵动传神. It is easy for a modern shopping complex to have a public park in its area or sports facilities on its roof. If it would not be a problem to build an all-in-one structure, why do one need have to outweigh the other? ←反问句不但是陈述的语义且有着更强烈的语气




At this point, the conclusion is obvious. ←喜欢套话?这句怎么样?Parks or sports facilities do not have to outnumber shopping malls. 







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