
无锡新航道 > 托福 > 2019年5月26日托福独立写作真题范文 |小班(上课)好不好,(也许)或者大班好

2019年5月26日托福独立写作真题范文 |小班(上课)好不好,(也许)或者大班好

来源:      浏览:      发布日期:2019-06-14 15:48


2019年5月26日 独立写作题目

“Some students prefer to choose smaller classes with fewer students (professors can know each student's name), while others prefer to take bigger classes with lots of students.
Which do you prefer and why?”




    Some of my friends prefer smaller classes with only a handful of students. I, however, tend to enroll in bigger classes with many students.
    I have experiences of both types of classes. When I attend small-sized classes, I never feel comfortable or secure. This is because none of the few students can evade the lecturer’s questions, and all of us are the easy target, which cannot be missed. It is particularly uncomfortable when the questions are difficult and I can hardly come up with a proper answer, and I certainly do not want to feel embarrassed. Instead, when I enter a large class, I always sit among my classmates and blend in the crowd. Either way, I feel relaxed since the professor may find no particular target when the professor’s eye sweeps the classroom. It thus follows that a large class with many peers is less stressful than a small class in which the lecturer knows each student’s name.
    Another reason is that large classes may be more interactive. Although the teacher-student interaction may be undesired, students may intend tointeract with their peers. A large class that has many students meets the need. In a small class, it is likely that a student likes none of the classmates and thereby communicates with no one. Instead, in a large class, there ismuch choice of potential friends. The student can find at least one likeable peer or a few if lucky.
    Sometimes, even an eager student may have to be absent orslack off during the class. The large class offers the opportunity, because the student can hide or his or her absence cannot be noticed. By contrast, the student does not the chance if he or she is enrolled in a small-sized class.
As a result, I find large classes preferable. In such classes, I can learn at ease, make friends, and even lay back.









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