无锡雅思口语PART2话题Describe a TV program.
You should say:
What the TV program is
How you know it
What it is like
Why you like it.
在这部剧中本尼饰演了一名生于优渥之家的富二代瘾君子,坎坷的一生串起了上流社会的世故人情,这部剧中的色调和构图非常的美,宁静优雅的暖色场景和他几近崩溃的躁动内心形成了强烈的反差。那接下来就让我们结合这道雅思口语话题 “Describe a TV program.” 来一起描述下这部剧吧!
The TV show I’d like to talk about today is called Patrick Melrose. It is the newest TV series that stars Benedict Cumberbatch.
The show describes a small child who was abused by his father, and falls apart in his 20’s. He tried to kill himself with self-medication, with addiction to drugs, while playing out his self-worth to keep himself from losing his mind. The man Benedict plays is keeping his struggle bottled up and away from other people in his life.
At the end, this is a story about salvation. It is talking about the attitude towards freedom. It is on the theme of ethics.
The show is telling us a fantastic humane philosophy and help us understand the world we live in. It is not just exclusive in the world in this TV show, but it is able to describe everyone’s experiences.
1. starring n. 主演
2. playing out 用光,释放完
3. self-worth n. 自我价值
4. bottled up 隐藏,克制
5. humane philosophy人文哲学